Although an infection with listeria is rare, even a mild form of this infection in a pregnant woman can lead to miscarriage, stillbirth or severe illness in a newborn baby.
Blue Cheese
Only if it is thoroughly cooked, melting and slightly burnt.
Only if it is thoroughly cooked, melting and slightly burnt.
Only if it is thoroughly cooked, melting and slightly burnt.
Caviar (Sturgeon Roe)
Chèvre (Cheese)
Only if it is thoroughly cooked, melting and slightly burnt.
Danish Blue
Make sure it is well cooked.
Ok if made with pasteurised milk.
Ensure it's made from pasteurised milk and cooked thoroughly.
Make sure it is well cooked.
Ok if made with pasteurised milk.
Ensure it's made from pasteurised milk and cooked thoroughly.
Goat's Cheese
Only if it is thoroughly cooked, melting and slightly burnt.
Only if it is thoroughly cooked, melting and slightly burnt.
Gravlax (Gravadlax)
Ikura (Salmon Roe)
Kazunoko (Herring Roe)
Lumpfish Roe
Masago (Capelin Roe)
Ok if made with pasteurised milk.
Make sure it is well cooked.
Ensure it's made from pasteurised milk and cook thoroughly.
Only if it is thoroughly cooked, melting and slightly burnt.
Shad Roe
Make sure it is well cooked.
Ok if made with pasteurised milk.
Ensure it's made from pasteurised milk and cooked thoroughly.